Saturday, April 20, 2013

San Diego.

I know that I have touched on this topic many times but it is what controls my mind at the momentso sorry! (and plus, arent you all as excited as we are?) With that said:

I'm getting antsy. I'm ready to move on. I'm ready to be home. I'm ready for everything that is waiting for us in San Diego. Friends, family, sailing, Mexican food, camping, softball, beach days... It's weird to be able to make plans and appointments with people in SD. Weird but good.

I will say though that flying with my two little teething monsters is not something that I am looking forward to but it is just one last step in getting our little family home.

And with that I give you this:

Friday, April 19, 2013

Neon Thunder, Blisters, and Pizza

Today was our last Friday in Puerto Rico! It was a fun filled day that started off with a work volleyball tournament and ended with pizza with great friends.
My team Neon Thunder lost two and won one. I'm not sure what place we took but it was no where near first. It was a great morning but I ended up getting a sunburn on top of a sunburn which resulted in chills and blisters. Ouch.
We ended the day with a walk around Old San Juan and delicious pizza with our friends and their little guy. It was a fun baby parade with lots of looks from tourists.
The entire day was what a last Friday here should be. Although we say we can't wait to leave I am sad to say goodbye to the good friends we have made here.

Five days until San Diego. Are you ready for us!?!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Eight Months

My girls are eight months! Every month I am blown away at how fast it has all gone by. It is so much fun watching them and seeing them learning new things every day. They are quite the little chatter boxes and are starting to try to get their feet under them and pull up on things. Their little personalities are coming out stronger every day and sharing is already becoming that one thing they aren't very fond of.

One of the last two pictures will be blown up and on a wall someday very soon!

Have a great rest of your week end everyone!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easy DIY Bunny Ears

I while back I saw a great picture on Pinterest of a little tot sitting in the grass with bunny ears on and cotton balls for a tail. So stinking cute! Ever since I have wanted to do something like that with my girls. Easter has come upon us faster than I could have planned for so here I am a day before Easter and no cute bunny pictures of my girls. So in a last minute attempt to get my picture I have put together an easy DIY for bunny ears. Enjoy!

Frist you want to make a template or you can use mine. After printing and cutting out the ears and ear insides trace them onto the felt you have picked out.

Next cut them out.

I used my glue gun to attach the ear inside to the ear. You can stop here and go to the last step or you can fancy it up a bit.

 I sewed around the outside of the ear inside and then around the outside of the ear. It gave it a nice finished look.

After everything is all glued and sewed, attach the ears to a pre made headband or a piece of elastic. I just used safety pins but you can glue it or sew it on using a machine or by hand.

And there you go! Super cute easy bunny ears! I'll be taking pictures of my girls wearing these soon, so pictures to follow!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Cooler Weather

The last few days have been hotter and more humid than normal. We even had to turn the AC on for the first time in moths. But we woke up to a good cloud coverage and some scattered showers. A nice break from the heat. I got off work early and wanted to get outside with the girls for a change. We just walked around the block but it was so nice not melting. I know that most of you are day dreaming of warmer weather but right now all I want is for the rain to stick around for a few days.

Happy Easter weekend everyone! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Phone Photos

Here are a few pictures from my phone. Some of them have been posted on my Instagram and some are new! I would tell you what they all are but most are just the girls being silly and it would take a long time! Oh, and don't worry, the smashed window is a friend's car, not mine. It got hit by a coco nut while parked on base.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Let Them Play.

If you come into my home you are almost guaranteed to see one or both of my girls with something in her mouth that isn’t supposed to be there. They love playing and chewing on cell phones, charger cords, and the lining/letters from the foam floor mat. Don’t worry we take the cords away from them or keep a very close eye on them when they do start to play with them. They gravitate to these items way more that most of the toys that we have. As long as the item isn’t something really dirty (dog toys, sandals, etc.) or can hurt them (piggy banks, vases, etc.) why not let them have at it?
If it keeps them happy we are happy. 
So I say let them play.