Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easy DIY Bunny Ears

I while back I saw a great picture on Pinterest of a little tot sitting in the grass with bunny ears on and cotton balls for a tail. So stinking cute! Ever since I have wanted to do something like that with my girls. Easter has come upon us faster than I could have planned for so here I am a day before Easter and no cute bunny pictures of my girls. So in a last minute attempt to get my picture I have put together an easy DIY for bunny ears. Enjoy!

Frist you want to make a template or you can use mine. After printing and cutting out the ears and ear insides trace them onto the felt you have picked out.

Next cut them out.

I used my glue gun to attach the ear inside to the ear. You can stop here and go to the last step or you can fancy it up a bit.

 I sewed around the outside of the ear inside and then around the outside of the ear. It gave it a nice finished look.

After everything is all glued and sewed, attach the ears to a pre made headband or a piece of elastic. I just used safety pins but you can glue it or sew it on using a machine or by hand.

And there you go! Super cute easy bunny ears! I'll be taking pictures of my girls wearing these soon, so pictures to follow!

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