Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easy DIY Bunny Ears

I while back I saw a great picture on Pinterest of a little tot sitting in the grass with bunny ears on and cotton balls for a tail. So stinking cute! Ever since I have wanted to do something like that with my girls. Easter has come upon us faster than I could have planned for so here I am a day before Easter and no cute bunny pictures of my girls. So in a last minute attempt to get my picture I have put together an easy DIY for bunny ears. Enjoy!

Frist you want to make a template or you can use mine. After printing and cutting out the ears and ear insides trace them onto the felt you have picked out.

Next cut them out.

I used my glue gun to attach the ear inside to the ear. You can stop here and go to the last step or you can fancy it up a bit.

 I sewed around the outside of the ear inside and then around the outside of the ear. It gave it a nice finished look.

After everything is all glued and sewed, attach the ears to a pre made headband or a piece of elastic. I just used safety pins but you can glue it or sew it on using a machine or by hand.

And there you go! Super cute easy bunny ears! I'll be taking pictures of my girls wearing these soon, so pictures to follow!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Cooler Weather

The last few days have been hotter and more humid than normal. We even had to turn the AC on for the first time in moths. But we woke up to a good cloud coverage and some scattered showers. A nice break from the heat. I got off work early and wanted to get outside with the girls for a change. We just walked around the block but it was so nice not melting. I know that most of you are day dreaming of warmer weather but right now all I want is for the rain to stick around for a few days.

Happy Easter weekend everyone! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Phone Photos

Here are a few pictures from my phone. Some of them have been posted on my Instagram and some are new! I would tell you what they all are but most are just the girls being silly and it would take a long time! Oh, and don't worry, the smashed window is a friend's car, not mine. It got hit by a coco nut while parked on base.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Let Them Play.

If you come into my home you are almost guaranteed to see one or both of my girls with something in her mouth that isn’t supposed to be there. They love playing and chewing on cell phones, charger cords, and the lining/letters from the foam floor mat. Don’t worry we take the cords away from them or keep a very close eye on them when they do start to play with them. They gravitate to these items way more that most of the toys that we have. As long as the item isn’t something really dirty (dog toys, sandals, etc.) or can hurt them (piggy banks, vases, etc.) why not let them have at it?
If it keeps them happy we are happy. 
So I say let them play.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Happy St. Patty's weekend!

Earlier this week a posted on Instagram a sneak peek of something the guys in my office and I have been working on. Well this is it:

We got "Most Creative Design" or something along those lines! 

It was the first annual St. Patty's Day Regatta for our base and it turned out amazing! There were a ton of families there to enjoy the boat race and food. There were nine boats total that raced but I only got pictures of a few of them. The rules for making the boats were you could only use one sheet of 1/4" plywood, two 2x4s, a box of nails/screws, a 50' role of duct tape, and paint. 

This is the boat that got first place! Don't worry the gun is plastic.

This is my brothers boat. It got "Best Paint Job" for its sweet Star Wars details. 

I got to do some beach combing and found the jackpot when it comes to sea glass! I tripled the stash that I have and can't wait to do something creative with them! 

Have a great St. Patrick's Weekend everyone! Stay safe!  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Few Things

being in the military limits all sorts of things that you can do not only as a person but as a woman too. here are a few things, in no particular order, that i look forward to leaving behind:

being able to wear any color nail polish
leaving earrings in all the time
living where we choose
not having to worry about my toenail polish chipping from my boots
letting my hair down
being with friends any family
wearing any amount of jewelry
not having to wake up at 530 every morning
having seasons
going to a restaurant and not wondering if it will be gross
choosing what to wear everyday
good produce
not having to ask "Do you speak English?"
using GPS without fail
being cold and not just from the AC being too high
driving normally
seeing my girls for more than 3 and a half hours during the week