Friday, March 15, 2013

Happy St. Patty's weekend!

Earlier this week a posted on Instagram a sneak peek of something the guys in my office and I have been working on. Well this is it:

We got "Most Creative Design" or something along those lines! 

It was the first annual St. Patty's Day Regatta for our base and it turned out amazing! There were a ton of families there to enjoy the boat race and food. There were nine boats total that raced but I only got pictures of a few of them. The rules for making the boats were you could only use one sheet of 1/4" plywood, two 2x4s, a box of nails/screws, a 50' role of duct tape, and paint. 

This is the boat that got first place! Don't worry the gun is plastic.

This is my brothers boat. It got "Best Paint Job" for its sweet Star Wars details. 

I got to do some beach combing and found the jackpot when it comes to sea glass! I tripled the stash that I have and can't wait to do something creative with them! 

Have a great St. Patrick's Weekend everyone! Stay safe!  

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