Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Few Things

being in the military limits all sorts of things that you can do not only as a person but as a woman too. here are a few things, in no particular order, that i look forward to leaving behind:

being able to wear any color nail polish
leaving earrings in all the time
living where we choose
not having to worry about my toenail polish chipping from my boots
letting my hair down
being with friends any family
wearing any amount of jewelry
not having to wake up at 530 every morning
having seasons
going to a restaurant and not wondering if it will be gross
choosing what to wear everyday
good produce
not having to ask "Do you speak English?"
using GPS without fail
being cold and not just from the AC being too high
driving normally
seeing my girls for more than 3 and a half hours during the week

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