Saturday, March 2, 2013

Baby Crafts

I finally got around to getting a few projects completed last weekend. I had been meaning to make my girls soft blocks for months now and never got to it… that’s what happens when you have twins! I’m going to make some more when I get more time but here is what I have so far:
I love them and so do the girls! They are already covered in drool and boogies and all that fun stuff. They aren’t perfect by any means but they work. Here is a tutorial on how you can make your own.
I also whipped out some bibs on my crafting adventures this weekend. They took me a while to get a hang of and after having to rip out seams of three bibs I finally got amazing bibs that will be going all the way to China for orphans. If you want to get involved in this amazing project or get links to a ton of different tutorials for bibs, check out Project 20 Hope for China for all the details.

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