Saturday, March 2, 2013

Taking a Moment

This is a little something that I wrote in the middle of the night after getting one of my little ones to fall back asleep. Some times you have to stop and take it all in before it's gone.

imageimage"I want to freeze this moment in time. Soak up every little detail. Feeling your weight on my chest and your little hands opening and closing melt my heart. I want to remember this forever. Hearing your tiny breaths, feeling your soft hair, your warmth, your cheeks.Everything. There is this quote, "let her sleep for when she wakes she will move mountains". I believe this with every piece of me. You can do anything with the Lord by your side. Stand strong in your faith and in who you are. Life will get hard and seem unfair but you will get through it and I will always be here for when you need a hand."

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